All posts filed under: coping

Synchronicity and the wrong path

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chronic pain / coping / fibromyalgia / lyme, synchronicity, compassion / Uncategorized

So often when we have chronic illness, we grieve the things we were able to do for ourselves and others. I tell this story as a hurray! for the little things we can do that can add up to big things. Many synchronicities have come my way, often when I think I’m off the path. I find it gratifying that when feeling lost, I often find I am in just the right place. Today, I got off […]


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alternative medicine / chronic pain / coping / fibromyalgia / homeless / medical mariuana

I first wrote this as a response to a Facebook fibromyalgia group post asking how we cope when things are really bad ~ meds don’t help; we can’t shower or even go get a drink of water. Especially when we can’t do much else, the biggest thing is perspective, which I know is hard to keep in the moment and easier to access if we’ve worked on it and integrated it before we’re in crisis […]